Stay-at-home Lifestyle Hacks
A stay-at-home lifestyle is perfect for those who crave more flexibility in their daily lives. Being able to control your time means that you don’t have to do the same thing at a specific time every day like 9-5 Monday to Friday!
A lot of the people who choose remote roles are pretty enthusiastic about their decision and are happy they’ve found an occupation they can pursue while being free from worrying about the commute, lack of time to run errands, or spending time with family. It also allows them to dress however they want or feel like. Remote workers come from all walks of life just like in-person workers. Previously, remote workers generally tend to be younger although that’s not a rule and recently has been proven wrong as many people, of all ages, were forced to work online due to the pandemic.
What is a Stay-at-home Lifestyle?
When individuals can create a personal life and a work lifestyle that fits them best, in addition to family and other obligations in their lives, they actually achieve a balance and thus live a happier life. Lately, the workplace has been dealing with an unforeseen foe-COVID 19. Now that working from home is so popular, many workers (or freelancers) have to find better ways to balance everything they need or want to do which takes skill, experience, or at times just plain luck.
The travelling agencies are fast becoming a thing of the past with more people booking hotels and flights online by themselves. Almost anything can be ordered online now. Like food, clothing, groceries, decorations, etc. Restaurants no longer have to hire waiters, cooks, or dishwashers to make this all happen – hiring can be as simple as getting someone who knows how to type on your computer or smartphone. As they are only delivering food and not serving at their restaurant. Since technology is a great equalizer across racial lines it seems very logical that jobs are shifting that way too. We see an increase in specialized jobs which analysts believe will continue in this direction but with even greater growth over the next decade.
Some companies today actually offer additional perks to help ensure their employees never leave. At least now startups are being encouraged to provide flexible work hours and telecommuting options so that their labor force can stay happy and productive. This also has the added benefits of providing entrepreneurs with ways to estimate annual revenue and handle things like vacation days at a more convenient time so both business owners and workers can enjoy themselves without any pressure. Instead of working their people until they drop, for example, companies could take a more balanced approach to manage them by preventing burnout or letting workers decide how much holiday leave they would like based on their work performance or seniority.
Pandemic has developed a new form of stay-at-home lifestyle by forcing many people to go remote and work online. A stay-at-home lifestyle is not obligatory anymore; people consciously adopt the stay-at-home lifestyle due to flexibility, ease, and independence.
You can improve your productivity and enjoy the perks of staying-at-home by following these Stay-at-home lifestyle Hacks:
Be productive
With all the modern comforts of home at our disposal, it would be understandable if employers saw a drop in productivity, but the opposite is true. It may come as a surprise, but remote workers actually find they manage to get more done at home than they did when they were stuck in an office all day. They are able to produce 16.8 additional days’ worth of work every year over their counterparts that are not telecommuting. If you think about how many additional days we can add up throughout multiple years, this is quite a substantial number!
We understand that remote workers are more likely to experience burnout primarily because there’s not a lot of structure in place to help regulate their working hours. That’s why it’s important for remote employees to understand their own business needs and how they’re going to manage them.
Telecommuting can be an extremely rewarding experience, but not without its downsides. Roughly 29% of telecommuting staff members claimed that the struggles in working from home might include burnout and stress as opposed to 23% for those who worked in offices.
In order to best stay focused and efficient while still combating stress and maintaining work-life balance, it’s best to start keeping a schedule in your planner which has all of your day’s tasks written down on it. That way, you can refer back to your planner whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed or distracted by something while keeping yourself ahead of the game in terms of scheduling.
Take breaks
Breaks are very important for maintaining and improving productivity. Taking scheduled breaks has been proven to be more successful in conserving energy, refreshing, and improving focus.
Taking breaks is not a waste of time actually it ensures proper use of time; as you focus and function better when you’ve refilled your energy by eating or you’re rested (mentally and physically).
Take smart breaks to increase productivity and avoid burnout. Take a best practice break; detach, move, socialize. Breaks during the trough and recovery periods will reset mental energy and improve focus for analytical tasks.
Stay-at-home workers take longer or more scheduled breaks by using the Pomodoro technique which helps them stay energized and motivated and enables them to be more productive and efficient.
Maintain a consistent schedule
In order to achieve your objectives for the day and be proactive, you need to structure and maintain a consistent schedule.
Set the starting and ending times for the work hours. Whether you work in the middle of the night, early hours of the day, or in the afternoon; create a properly planned schedule of the work hours for the day and assign time slots for the different segments of the work process. This will help you get a lot done in a timely manner.
Make to-do lists
Make lists to keep yourself organized and focused, especially when overwhelmed. This would help you keep a check on the progress and stay on track. When you begin running your own business from home, remote working is going to be likely the norm. Now that you and your team members are communicating regardless of location, it is really important that you set daily or weekly meetings where the whole team discusses plans and decides on the prioritization of projects along with deadlines so as to stay on track all the time.
As a manager/leader, you should encourage your employees to write down what they want to accomplish each day so they don’t keep jumping from one assigned task to another. Not only do these meetings help the organization work better by assigning tasks in a timely manner but also help the employee in stress management due to the fact that he is aware of what he has to get done during his given time period.
Eliminate distractions
To avoid interruptions and chaos you need to set ground rules for the people around you.
Make rules like:
- No one will go into the living room when I am working.
- No one will go in the kitchen or make noise for these three hours because I will be on a conference call.
- Don’t talk to me or approach me for the next two hours as I need to concentrate on the work.
Setting up these kinds of rules will help you concentrate on your work and perform better and certainly prevent mishaps and embarrassing situations.
Social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. can take up a lot of your time; the time you could’ve spent productively on your work or other important matters. These apps distract you, waste your time and play a grave role in increasing procrastination. Anti-distraction apps help you focus and block distractions.
Thanks to the advances made in technology, people from around the world now have the opportunity to work from home. This means that more and more people are now able to enjoy their careers independently of when or where they may not be present on a daily basis.